Money Is Not an Object… Anymore

In business and in life, we like to feel informed. I must confess that since 2008 the degree of business and financial information available and gathered has been growing exponentially. We now have on-the-spot updates and financial predictions that are delivered with such convincing aplomb that we believe they must be accurate and based on […]

Fluid Strategy

I am often asked: what is Strategy? I used to use long and detailed explanations that covered all sorts of possible objections the listener had never even thought of, taking the more ‘detailed’ route of strategy of my own in anticipating their reactions. However, in recent years, the more experiences I had the more I […]

Ask Yourself These Three Powerful Questions – And Do Nothing

I was recently looking for some information to help a client that had grown so fast since first trading to see where things were being delayed in the implementation of his strategy. To any neutral observer it was clear: daily tasks micro-management was taking over the execution of the agreed strategy. The client was frustrated […]

Rational or Instinctive Decisions: Which Works Better?

The time to make a decision is the most nerve-wracking moment for any decision maker. The list of the “what ifs” is never-ending. Assuming the information we have is accurate, have we really covered all the angles that matter? The list goes on. The reality is that one is rarely in possession of 100% of […]

Return on Time Invested

According to western traditions, we are at the start of a new year. This is a time when all resolutions are forged in purposes and actions. Most for a short while. We focus on what is ahead. Have we learned from the recent past though? For me 2023 has been a fantastic year by many […]

The importance of accurate designation: Process vs Purpose

Recently I have been blessed by the opportunity to be a speaker at several tech conferences and even to be interviewed by tech futurist experts. They all had incredibly solid vision, almost to a certainty rarely seen before, of the evolution of technologies and how, with the push of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) all has become […]

When Self Doubt Knock – Don’t Open the Door”

Today I was in Town and managed to catch up with a friend. This was an impromptu meeting. By many accounts my friend is a very successful businessman in his own right with a massive set of skills and an even longer list of achievements. He brilliantly sold his business not long ago and after […]

If you stay the same, how can you expect things to change?

One of the beauties of growing old is that things are put into perspective. There is a tendency to look back at what was done, particularly when selective memory is applied and we tend to remember the good stuff and forget the bad, unless it was really painful. Talking to my friend of many years, […]

Shall we burry our head in the Sand and pretend all is well

Waking up every morning to news readers telling us how the basic services the state is supposed to deliver are not working and are losing money. Then you hear about how corporations are driving production prices down via their competitive processes, leaving the producers exposes and with losses, particularly if anything is amended in the […]

The Unlimited Power of Silence and Why It Matters

Have you ever been in a meeting where the person you are talking to remains silent and you inexplicably feel logorrhoeic? Have you ever been in a meeting where someone was talking so much that you stopped listening?  Let’s be honest – this has happened to most of us. Silence can be unsettling at best. […]

Risks: How Far Should You Go?

Making decisions is the easiest thing. Making the right decision however less so! Decisions need to evaluate the risk they entail. Risk is an unpredictable that has a tendency to occur at the worst moment. Why is that ? How far shall one push it before the risk inevitably turns into a reality?  When something […]